Our founder, Tavon Parker, is a former athlete at the William Penn Senior High School, aka York High. Holding his Alma Mater near and dear to his heart, and the Advantage Program wanting to support the staple high school in York City, we formed a partnership to provide a scholarship, not only for the male basketball program but also for the female basketball program. The name of our 2 scholarships are:
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue to fund our scholarships and expand our reach. IT TAKES A VILLAGE!
Copyright © 2025 The Advantage Program, a 501c3 Organization - All Rights Reserved.
Website Created and Maintained by Tanique Parker
Your support and contributions will allow us to continue working towards our main goals to:
- Provide Mentorship & Advocacy
- Provide Exposure
- Create a Sustainable Life Plan
We are a 501c3 Nonprofit organization and your donation is tax-deductible.